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Decloaking Pathogens With Low-Frequency SoundA variety of disease-causing pathogens and health problems can be identified in the voice print and can be cancelled out by the input of complementary frequencies and harmonics.
Extracted from Nexus Magazine, Volume 7, Number 6 (October-November 2000) or November-December 2000 in the
USA only. © 2000 by Sharry Edwards, MEd
Throughout history, mankind has been plagued by infectious diseases. With the advent of modern biochemical antibiotics, many of these older diseases seem to have been eradicated. However, many new diseases have been identified, some of which are mutations of previously "cured" diseases, in the form of resistant pathogens. Our entire ecosystem has now become vulnerable to these resistant pathogens due to the fact that as these invaders move from host to host they mutate, so that what worked against them today doesn't work tomorrow. This has caused extreme concern for those in charge of public health. If we don't have the resources to keep up with the mutations, how can the public be protected? How will the people even know how to take precautions against infection? Controversial biophysicist Hulda Clark, PhD, ND, stated in her book, The Cure For All Disease, that cancer, one of the most feared of diseases, is caused by pathogens--specifically, parasites whose life cycles are aided and abetted by modern chemicals that we encounter. She is certainly not alone in identifying links between parasites/pathogens and modern illness. Chronic fatigue shows a strong connection with Epstein Barr virus. Heart disease and pulmonary embolism have been connected with Chlamydia pneumoniae. The list is long and growing. To add to the problem, these pathogens have been able to use the body's processes against it. Using the sloughed-off protein of the host, these pathogens have the ability to create a protective cloak so that the body will be fooled into thinking that the pathogen is part of our normal form and function.
DISEASE In recent months, BioAcoustics technology has been shown under microscopic observation to be able to dissolve the ringed protein barrier used by some of these pathogens to cloak themselves. The technique was used successfully against the Epstein Barr virus, Chlamydia pneumoniae bacterium and yeast. It has potential in the eradication of such diseases as chronic fatigue, influenza, AIDS, etc., and it certainly will help in the fight against antibiotic-resistant pathogens including the resistant "flesh-eating bugs" which have been in the news recently. At the beginning of the study, frequencies identified in Dr Clark's book were used, but it was found that these were not accurate or that mutations in the pathogens had taken place, thus making these frequencies unusable and necessitating the search for new, correct frequencies. Below is a short review of the initial study, involving 17 participants, in which the Epstein Barr virus, the Chlamydia pneumoniae bacterium and yeast were targeted. (Note that in the case of the yeast, the decloaking and deactivation happened so quickly that the yeast could not be seen within a minute or so.)
Epstein Barr Virus Here are some additional notes from the study: Chlamydia pneumoniae Additional notes from the study are as
follows: Chlamydia pneumoniae Linked to Heart
PATHOGENS "We feel we are adding to the information that Rife started and the Universe was not ready to receive," said Karen Almashy, a participant in the Sound Health Research Institute study. "In Rife's time, it wasn't so urgent; now it is." Rife and many others knew that frequency is the key to controlling pathogens. It is the key to stimulating the body to fight its own pathogens. The main issue has been finding the correct frequency, in light of the constant mutations, and the appropriate wave form. Giving the body direct square waves can cause damage. The new techniques must provide frequencies in exacting patterns, using short bursts, for approximately eight minutes. Using frequency in this way provides a very powerful and effective avenue to dissolve the ringed protein barriers. Why does frequency work to dissolve ringed protein barriers used by resistant pathogens to cloak themselves? And what is frequency? Light is frequency. Sound is frequency. Aroma is frequency. Emotion is frequency. Vibration is frequency. Music is frequency. Brain waves are frequency. Nerve impulses are frequency. Everything, at its most common denominator, is frequency. Frequency is everything and everything is frequency. In reality, there are no solids. We exist in a universe that consists entirely of energy. Einstein proved this. Frequency defines it. How does the body know what to do with all of these frequencies? The body hears frequency. The ears change that sensory input into biochemical impulses and send that information to the brain. The eyes feast on frequencies of light input, change those impulses into biochemical energy and send that information to the brain. The nose receives aromas. Each impulse is changed into biochemical input and sent to the brain. Each sensory organ collects information as frequency input and changes that input into biochemical impulses which it sends to the brain. The brain in turn digitises the information and redistributes it to systems and functions of the body so that the body can maintain homoeostasis. How does the brain know how to route these inputs
to the appropriate part of the brain? Answer: by the octave of
frequency. If the frequency comes in at a level of: Each frequency, or frequency set, has specific functions, both structural and functional, within the body. Each frequency set does its own work and can share frequencies from its set for other biological systems to use. This has been known to occur but, until very recently, the mechanism by which it occurred was not defined. The body, in its infinite wisdom, has a perfect feedback loop to make it possible for the body to diagnose and provide a set of healing frequencies as a self-diagnosis and prescription. The system--the voice to provide sound, and the ear to perceive sound--is a perfect diagnostic tool that can provide reliable predictive, preventive and curative options for self-healing. In no other system in the body is a feedback loop used in such a conscious way. This system is operating even when we are comatose. It only ceases when our life-force ceases--and we really don't know that for sure. Our ears transmit a stabilising sound, an oto-acoustic emission, which is a constant attempt to provide healing frequencies to the body. This ability is just now being considered as a viable complement to modern medicine, but references from ancient civilisations reveal that sound had been used for thousands of years to balance and maintain health. Tibetans know the positive vibrational effects of bells and chanting. Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners recognise that properly flowing energy, or chi, is fundamental to good, balanced health. The Bible equates "the Word", a form of sound, with God and creation. Today it seems that these ancient wisdoms are being revisited as conventional medicine, with its previous reliance upon the scientific method, begins to pay attention to the potential of frequency to nourish and support the body's capacity to self-heal. The medical establishment is just starting to recognise the relationship between the frequencies of the voice and nutritional status (see Danielle Campbell's article in Advance Journal for Speech Language Pathologists and Audiologists, 31 May 1999). Each one of us possesses unique harmonies of frequency that can be expressed through the voice. However, when the frequencies of the body become unbalanced, that disorder is also expressed through the voice and manifests as disease or stress at the structural and biochemical levels of the body. A short section of the voice--a recording of less than a minute in duration--can be assessed using a system that analyses an individual's frequency status. Those frequencies, in specific combinations, can then in turn be used to support normal form and function.
Harmonics can be used to nourish multiple systems that are in stress. For instance, the frequencies that can be used to normalise and cause "spontaneous remissions" in some types of cancer (a limited subject base) are the harmonics of the Krebs cycle (the citric acid cycle, a series of steps in the oxidation of carbohydrates). In studies, these frequencies were presented using specific patterns to achieve and maintain an harmonic "chord" that is a specific, recognisable mathematical matrix. Normally these mathematical matrix frequency sets can be used for treating one system or one issue. However, many systems within the body use these chords. Interestingly, these have been emulated and written down in musical theory, without our necessarily realising that these chords already exist within our cells as musical mass and frequency. Each nutrient, biochemical substance, organ and
emotion has a series of predictable relationships that are
mathematical in nature. For example, the frequency equivalent of
choline (a necessary nutrient of the B-vitamin family) has an
opposite or balancing frequency equivalent. These two frequencies
work together to harmonise the body and the energy conversion system.
If you subtract the numeric frequency equivalent of choline from the
6th harmonic (180 degrees out of phase) frequency equivalent of
choline, the result is the frequency equivalent of acetylcholine.
This is exactly the process that the body goes through when these
compounds are introduced. In other words, what the body does with
compounds can be predicted and shown mathematically. THE MATHEMATICAL MATRIX OF THE BODY
Consider the following. The suggestion that the number 8 is the opposite of the number 11 is a foreign notion to most people. No such model is taught in school, but the reality is that our body knows this concept to be true and responds to numbers and frequencies in its attempt to conduct the normal processes of the body. Actually, mathematical opposites are easily understood when one considers other forms of opposites recognised by both science and the arts. Each colour has an opposite, known as a pigment or light complement. Each colour can be represented by a frequency. The frequency sets which represent complementary colours can also be considered frequency complements. BioAcoustics refers to these frequency complements as Frequency Equivalents. Just as green and red are opposite or complementary colours, there are green frequencies (in the frequency range of 11) and red frequencies (in the frequency range of 8). Using this concept, an overabundance of the frequency of 11 can be equalised by using the frequency of 8, and vice-versa. By using 8 (or any frequency we choose as a base), we can begin to construct formulas that the body uses innately to provide balance to the body. Using data from vocal analysis, it can be shown that every muscle, every compound, every process and structure of the body has a frequency equivalent that can be mathematically calculated. The body's ability to heal itself originates as an interaction, biochemical and/or structural, which is a predictable mathematical frequency response. For example, calcium and magnesium are used together in the body. When you combine the frequency equivalents of calcium and magnesium, the frequency equivalent of phosphorus is the result. Phosphorus is a compound that is required for calcium and magnesium to be synergistic. Frequency harmonics of the body matrix imitate the body's reactions which science has already discovered. Human biological reactions and the frequency equivalents of the mathematical matrix are the same. One of the frequencies that has been shown to be able to strengthen the thumb is the note of C. By presenting the specific note within the range of C that is required, it can be shown that the thumb muscles become stronger. Giving the frequency complement of the same muscle will cause the muscle to weaken. Since the frequency equivalent of the thumb muscle happens to correspond to the frequency equivalent of zinc, the body will also accept the compound of zinc as a support for that muscle. Our physical bodies are apparently built on, and correspond to, a blueprint created by thousands of these combinations. Each organ, muscle, nutrient or biochemical has a frequency equivalent and Harmonic Matrix that are interrelated via the central processing unit, the nervous system and the brain. A vocal print can show the combination of notes and the corresponding frequencies that can be used to create the coherent mathematical patterns that are required by our bodies. When these patterns become dissonant, dis-ease is the result. How simple, then, to monitor and maintain our own health through a daily review of our vocal print? Some frequencies are apparently more important to our states of health than others. The frequency of 16 is a very important internal frequency, since it can help release oxygen and calcium into the cells. In his book Cross Currents (Jeremy P. Tarcher, Inc., Los Angeles, 1990), Robert Becker, MD, substantiated that calcium, an invaluable nutrient in the body's healing processes, is released by the frequency of 16 cycles per second. The most compelling information concerning the number 16 as a frequency harmonic may change medicine and the way we treat disease. This is an expansion the concept of harmonics postulated by Pythagoras, the 6th century BC mathematician. He observed that if one of two strings, which have the same length and the same degree of tension, is then divided in half, the half string, when vibrated, creates an harmonic exactly one octave higher than the original full string. As Pythagoras continued to divide the string, he observed the harmonic principles that still govern much of the musical theory in use today. The discovery of the mathematical relationships underlying the science of sound clearly demonstrates that harmonics was not an abstract concept but adheres to strict and predictable mathematical principles. These precise harmonics, used in combination with the frequency equivalents, form an intricate harmonic synergy that maintains the sonostatis essential for optimal health. Our body functions as a compilation of frequencies and frequency relationships. The brain functions through the use of brain waves which are measurable as frequency. The heart emits frequency to keep the heart beating in rhythm. Nerve transmission is accomplished through the use of frequency pathways. Organs, nerves, tissue and bone are themselves made up of substances which are, at their base, energy--measurable in cycles per second. The body is alive with frequencies that interact in cooperative resonance, in harmony. All of the frequency equivalents that correspond to the use of nutrients and biochemicals that relate to a particular harmonic set can be used to evaluate the efficacy of the interactions involved. This mathematical matrix maps the crossroads of alchemy and cooperation between the different systems of the body. If a mineral, fatty acid, amino acid, biochemical and enzyme, for example, have similar frequencies, they may all participate as nearly interchangeable components performing the same work. Sulphur and palmitic acid are similar frequency equivalents. They can substitute for each other in the fight against invading pathogens. Other compounds that are found within the same harmonic set react in analogous fashion. The body is adept at compensating, substituting and transmuting frequencies. If an enzyme isn't available to help counter invading pathogens, fatty acids and minerals can be substituted. Frequency-equivalent harmonic sets can be used to establish substitutes using mathematical matrix relationships. This means that if we construct an harmonic set for the frequency equivalents of vitamin C, we can use this listing to observe every other compound that interacts with vitamin C and, in addition, see the structural aspects most affected by vitamin C. In the clinic, a frequency can be presented to a subject and the voice monitored to observe the frequency equivalents of compounds that are influenced. In a great many instances, many of the interactions were previously unknown. For example, in a study that was conducted to determine the originating factors of knee problem in tennis players, it was found that the knee was not the actual root cause; the base problem turned out to be in a foot muscle. BioAcoustics research indicates that standardised, harmonic sets can be used to predict, depict and monitor the chemical and behavioural interactions and relationships of living systems. When all of the frequency equivalents of compounds and physiology are known, every aspect of any one frequency can be studied. We will be able to understand frequency relationships and how they relate to all other structures, processes and biochemicals. In the not-too-distant future, then, we will be able to develop an elemental frequency grid similar to the periodic table of elements. Every compound has a frequency equivalent based on its molecular weight. Presenting a frequency equivalent in analog form to the body, allows the body to detect the presence of that compound. When an additional frequency, based on a mathematical formula of the frequency equivalent, is presented, the substance becomes functional. A frequency equivalent that allows this awareness by the brain is called a Brain Wave Multiple (BWM). In disease, the body may not have the necessary BWMs to identify or stimulate a compound or muscle. A frequency equivalent can provide the BWMs that act to stimulate the detection and function of a compound or structure. From the data presented so far, it seems that the heart provides the actual rhythm of the frequency (the wave form), while the brain provides the actual frequency to be used. Note that it is imperative that BWMs be presented in an analog (not digital) form. According to Robert O. Becker and many other researchers, the body's input mechanisms are analog and respond most efficiently to analog input.)
REALLY TELL YOU Voice frequencies can be
predictive Voice frequencies can identify biochemical
toxins Voice frequencies can ascertain muscle stress,
trauma and weakness Voice frequencies can identify pathogens Voice frequencies can be
diagnostic Voice frequencies can self-prescribe
HARMONIOUS HEALTH Research has repeatedly shown that every muscle, compound, process and structure of the body has a frequency equivalent that can be mathematically calculated. This provides the foundation for the concept that the body's ability to heal itself can originate as frequency interactions between the molecular signals of the entire body. When these patterns become discordant, dis-ease is the result. When presented the correct low-frequency analog sound, a new harmony can result, with the person experiencing notable self-healing. In addition to viewing the body as a mathematical matrix, BioAcoustics considers the idea that frequencies can be used to predict states of disease and stress before they become obvious on a physical level. Protocols are being developed to identify the frequency relationships for cancer, heart disease, arthritis and sports injuries, regeneration and anti-ageing. The study of numerous vocal prints permits researchers to recognise obvious frequency-markers for various states of illness. Using the voice to monitor the body is a new, developing science. Not all of the answers are obvious, but there is enough known information for definitive patterns of disease states to be established. Dr Andy Weil, Dr Robert O. Becker, Dr William Tillis, Dr Josh Oschman, Dr Alfred Tomatis and Dr Richard Gerber, among other distinguished professionals, all agree that frequency and rhythm, as various forms of energy, can be important aspects of understanding and healing the body. Voice analysis, with its capabilities for predictive, pre-diagnostic and evaluative assessments of the body, is well on its way to becoming an intrinsic part of regular health care. Just as a rainbow is incomplete without its full spectrum of colours, the body needs full-spectrum sounds that are created by the corresponding harmonic sets to establish and maintain the perfect state of health.
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