Meetings with
Remarkable Aliens
Jim Sparks describes
his life-changing encounter with reptoid aliens, whose message for
saving planet Earth may veil their true intentions.
Extracted from Nexus Magazine, Volume 7,
Number 2 (February-March 2000).
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Extracted from Chapter 3 of
Glimpses of Other Realities - Vol. II
by Linda Moulton Howe © 1998
PO Box 300
Jamison, PA 18929-0300, USA
Fax: +1 (215) 491 9842
Website: www.earthfiles.com
Higher intelligence takes advantage of, and uses, lower
intelligence-sort of the way we humans use cattle. And with the
privilege of use, comes the responsibility of caring... A farmer
tends to his animals by feeding them and taking care of their medical
needs. If the pasture became contaminated, the farmer would be the
first to protect his investments.
- Jim Sparks, Abductee, 1996
Fort Myers Beach, Florida, USA
In 1995, I met a man named Jim
Sparks who says he has had completely conscious encounters with
"small, grey, drone worker types; taller true aliens, or supervisors;
and tall reptoids with big, human-shaped bodies covered with scaly,
reptile skin". Sparks sees himself as an interpreter or translator-or
at least an elementary grade student in an alien "school". He says he
has been forced to learn English letter and number equivalents to
alien symbols.
Jim Sparks permitted me to tape-record hours of our discussions
about his experiences. This chapter emerged from those conversations
and his efforts to visualise and write down what has happened for his
own book manuscript.1
After eight years "of being close enough to breathe their
rotten-egg-smelling skin", Sparks thinks he has some insights into
the alien agenda, but admits he has "a thousand more questions than
answers". He is frustrated that he cannot prove his contacts with
alien beings.
Sparks was born to Italian parents on November 15, 1954. The
formal name on his birth certificate is Vincent Sparacino. He grew up
in southern Florida, graduated from high school and spent a couple of
years in a local college studying real estate. He moved on to
Houston, Texas, in 1979, and then to North Carolina where he
purchased raw land and divided lots for housing construction-but
always felt a strong need to preserve the trees at his developments.
Happy, married and thriving, by 1988 at age thirty-four, Sparks
suddenly came face to face with other beings from other worlds.
Sparks at first thought he had lost his mind. He says he was kept
totally conscious through most of the interactions, including the
agony of being "pulled" from his bed at night to a craft.
"I'm usually pulled the same way, which I call the 'hard way', and
it's completely physical. My whole body is taken. The first thing I
hear is a low-pitched, whirling sound in my head, like a whip going
around in the air. This is usually after I go to bed and am asleep.
Normally for me, it's 3.30 am in the early morning. I don't know why.
I wake up from my natural sleep, and then there's the whirling
sensation in the pit of my stomach and it feels like it's coming up
into my chest. When it gets up to my heart area, my heart starts
beating fast, just racing in my head, and the whirling sound starts
picking up rpm and is tremendously loud. It starts low and rises in
pitch and screams in your head. The fear is like you're going to die.
Your heart is racing a million miles an hour and then you get this
acceleration feeling, but I always feel like I'm being pulled down; I
never feel like I'm being pulled up. It's like I go down a
rollercoaster, only a hundred times faster, and whoom-you black out
and you're there, wherever it is you're going to be, usually on board
a craft."
Sparks told me why he thinks that most of the time he is actually
"pulled" physically from bed and literally moved through the walls or
ceiling as other abductees have also described.
"It's their technology. I know the aliens rely heavily on a
created field. This field produces several things: the ability to be
invisible, the ability to work in one dimension and be partially in
another, and the ability to move us poor humans through solid matter.
"How exactly it works, I don't know. But I know it's a field. When
the field is in action, you can feel it, you can sense it; you almost
feel like you are a magnet or static electricity. It takes a wall as
you would normally see it and makes it transparent. You walk right
through it. So, it's a field that somehow separates molecules,
changes your physiology when you're in it."
I asked Sparks if he has been awake and conscious while actually
seeing doors and walls become transparent.
"Only rarely. And it freaked me out. Most of the time I black out
before that moment and then I'm on board the craft. I know this all
sounds weird as hell, but I'm doing the best I can under very bizarre
circumstances not to be scared to death, not to be intimidated, and
to figure out what these bastards are up to. And I know that their
technology renders different ways of transport, and one is the 'hard
way' and I'm there in the flesh, not out of body!"
In early 1995, Jim Sparks had an abduction experience that changed
him forever, he says, and left him obsessed with saving the
rainforests and stopping the human slashing and burning-by-fire that
is destroying them. This experience, excerpted here with Jim's
permission, is puzzling because yet another alien type is introduced.
These reptilian entities also provoke questions about a possible
connection to viper references in Enoch of the Dead Sea Scrolls and
the Book of Genesis in the Bible.
Jim Sparks's encounter with reptilian humanoids, their warning and
possible agenda, follows:
"The pulling started the usual way with a low-pitched, whirling
sound-only this time, it didn't speed up as fast or get as loud and
it was more gentle. I was paralysed again, but I momentarily regained
consciousness before the final transport sequence was complete and I
could see where I was going. That was a first!
"As my eyes opened, I saw that I was at least a thousand feet
above the ground and slowly descending. Below me was an abandoned
carnival park. I was floating over a large, old-fashioned wooden
rollercoaster and I wasn't scared! I was calm and relaxed, and the
ride was so gentle I was actually enjoying it.
"When I was twenty or thirty feet from the ground, I started to
slowly rock back and forth several times like a pendulum-almost like
I was being guided to a target and this was the final adjustment.
Then I saw the profiles of about a dozen large creatures standing in
a semi-circle. Although it was night, I could make out the shapes of
their body size-and they were large, even by human standards. A few
inches front the ground, I blacked out.
"As I began to regain consciousness, I was standing and heard
telepathically, loud and clear:
'We would have given it to you, but we knew it wouldn't have meant
anything unless you earned it. It was the only way you could possibly
understand what you have been a part of and what you have to do.'
"I now know the 'it' was knowledge. I was clear-headed and
wide-awake conscious. There were twelve large, humanoid creatures
standing in almost a complete circle in which I was a part. The
creatures appeared to be at least six feet tall. All of them had
their heads turned towards the alien who was standing to my immediate
"The only apparent light source was on the face of this creature,
like a hologram of a human face superimposed and glowing over the
alien's face [Howe's emphasis]. It was radiating light, and this was
done to disguise his true appearance. He had done this to make me
feel less apprehensive. The creatures didn't take into consideration
that as this holographic face spoke and moved its lips, there was no
audible sound.
"The voice being communicated telepathically was out of sync with
the lips! Plus, the face was obviously a hologram because it was
slightly off centre from the body. But it worked, nonetheless,
because I wasn't scared.
"As the reptoids transmitted telepathically, I noticed that each
alien seemed to be concentrating its thoughts to the creature on my
left. One thing for sure: they were of one mind, and it said:
'There are some things you need to understand. Yes, it's true that
we have been in contact with your government leaders and heads of
power. It is also true that agreements have been made and kept secret
from your people. It is also true that, in the past, some of your
people have lost their lives or have been badly hurt to protect this
secret. Our hands had no part in this.
'We contacted your leaders because your planet is in grave
trouble. Your leaders said the vast majority of your population
wasn't ready for anything like us yet, so we made time agreements
with your leaders as to when your people would be made aware of our
presence. This part of the agreement has not at all been kept.
'It was also agreed that, in the meantime, steps would be taken to
correct the environmental condition of your planet with our advice
and technology. We say advice, because we respect the fact that this
is your planet, not ours. Your government also broke this agreement.'
"I felt an awful emotion of abandonment from these aliens. They
are different. I never sensed true emotion from the other aliens
before. But the feeling wasn't at all good. It felt like great loss.
I couldn't help asking, 'You aren't giving up on us, are you?'
"There was a long pause of silence and I had a strong feeling of
tremendous loss. So I asked again, 'Well, are you?' There was another
long pause.
"Then finally:
'No. We are now concentrating our energy on the average person.
Your air and your water are contaminated. Your forests, jungles,
trees and plant life are dying. There are several breaks in your food
chain. You have an amount of nuclear and biological weapons which
include nuclear and biological contamination. Your planet is
overpopulated. Warning: It is almost to the point of being too late
unless your people act now. There are better ways of deriving your
energy and food needs without causing your planet any damage. Those
in power are aware of this and have the capability to put these
methods into worldwide use.'
"I asked, 'Why aren't we doing it now?' There was silence, and the
whole thing was so strange because I could see that the whole group
was thinking and speaking its mind at one time. It felt good because
I was a participant in an honest-to-goodness meeting! The best part
was that for the first time I was getting direct answers to my
questions. 'Why aren't we putting these new methods into use now?'
'Those in power view it [technology for clean energy and abundant
food] as a military and security threat.'
"Then I got angry as hell and said, 'You mean to tell me our
people in power have the ability to save and better this planet and
they aren't doing it?!' The thought that technology was being held
back from the public because of paranoia and greed outraged me, and
the aliens saw my anger. But was it true?
"What do you mean?"
'Complete amnesty. To those in power, the governments and the
leaders who have been suppressing the truth. They can't be held
liable for any past wrong deeds. It is the only way these leaders can
come forward with the truth. It is necessary that you do this in
order to work together and survive.'
"There was silence for a while, as if they wanted me to think
about what was just said. This was a hard truth to swallow. If
anybody had a good reason to hate their government for covering up
this information, it was me and others like me. Most abductees still
consider themselves victims who constantly suffer ridicule. When your
own government's policy is to say 'You're just plain crazy', it only
deepens the pain.
"But this is a time when intelligence should rule over emotions.
So I asked, 'How do I fit in all this? What can I possibly do?'
'What you are doing already. We will share much more knowledge
with you in the future. Although you understand a lot, we will show
you much more. Continue to work with people that come to you. We are
aware of the small groups that are forming around the world. These
are people who are prepared to learn and we consider them the core.
Most important is the condition of your planet. The first step in
solving this serious problem is amnesty. We have advice. You will
receive more knowledge in the near future.'
"As this was going on, it started to rain. I mean, it was pouring!
The creatures didn't even budge or try to get out from under it. They
didn't have to: we weren't getting wet. Although we were standing
completely outdoors with no roof, not one drop of rain touched us. I
guess we were being protected by some sort of electric field. I could
hear drops as they fell, but there was a clear, detectable line
[around us] between rainfall and no rainfall. Then they said:
'It's time to go.'
"A thought flashed into my mind. 'Wait, please! I have a request.
I want to see what you look like.' I'll never forget their response
as long as I live:
'It will strike fear in your heart.'
"I answered, 'It won't scare me so much if you don't stand there
and stare at me. It would help if you would just wave at me. Just
don't stare. Promise me you'll wave.'
"Now I can't believe how stupid that request was. I had, in the
flesh, face to face, probably some of the most intelligent creatures
from the far reaches of the galaxy, with answers that have been
plaguing mankind since the dawn of time. And what did I say? 'Could
you wave at me?'
"The strangest thing started to take place. A spinning white light
with a hint of green began to radiate over their faces and upper
bodies, all dozen of them. The intensity of the light slowly got
brighter and it was radiating from no direct or detectable source. I
could see they were huge. Their upper torso was strong, with huge
shoulders and a thick, strong neck like football linebackers. As the
light became brighter and details clearer, fear and shock zapped
through me.
"I said, 'You have scales!' Their faces looked like a cross
between a lizard and a snake-nothing at all like the little grey
guys. Their eyes were small like ours, only diamond-shaped, and the
pupils were a red colour. Their heads were in normal proportion with
their bodies, but bigger than ours. The skull looked like their
brains stuck out over their foreheads, covered by skin. This feature
was slightly different among all dozen of them.
"I said in a scared whimper, 'You promised to wave.' And each and
every one of them slowly lifted their arms and waved in front of
their faces. Their hands were huge with thick, club-like fingers, too
thick to work fine instruments. But you have to keep in mind that
their technology is thought-activated.
"I stood there and stared at them for a while in silence,
absorbing this spectacular sight. Their message kept running through
my mind. I was sure that my country has been involved with aliens.
Most Americans believe there's been a cover-up. But what really got
to me was the message about the poor condition of our planet! Then I
felt the acceleration pull and blacked out.
"I understood better their nature and agenda. They are neither
benevolent nor evil. They have been among us in secret for thousands
of years, maybe longer. But the length of time isn't as much the
issue as why they have been among us. I believe they have been
farming us for raw materials.
"We humans have been a self-perpetuating crop, a crop that doesn't
need much tending and continues to reproduce, at least up to now and
all the Earth problems. Thank goodness they don't kill us; they just
use us. This system has worked well for the aliens for a long time.
But now there's a problem and their investment is in trouble. They
have spent a lot of time, travel and effort to farm us. But we are on
an almost irreversible path of self-destruction. Nuclear and
biological weapons and their waste have polluted the air, land and
water. Forests, jungles and trees are being cut down or are dying.
Now there are breakdowns in the food chain and the rest of the food
chain is contaminated. Over-population, disease and viruses beyond
our grasp, with new and more complicated illnesses cropping up every
day. These are just a few of the problems we humans have created.
"Most of us are blind or numb to this reality because we can still
go to the grocer and buy food. We can go to work and back and not see
this death and dying. All seems almost normal. But if we
environmentally destroy ourselves, the aliens still have an excellent
insurance policy. They've been collecting seeds from plants, animals
and humans. Through semen and ova extraction, the aliens can start
us, or other Earth life, all over again, here or somewhere else."
Echoing the Jim Sparks experience, the major concern expressed by
abductee Anna Hayes in Voyagers, The Sleeping Abductees2 was
competition and conflict among non-human intelligences over Earth
life and their employment of the same sophisticated technologies to
manipulate, deceive and inspire.
"Just as the original creators of the human prototype desired to
see the fulfilment of our species as guardians of the Earth, there
also exist forces of great power that do not wish this plan to
succeed. If humans are able to fulfil their evolutionary blueprint,
the Earth and many other reality fields will no longer be free for
Hayes stressed that if humans had truth about their
extraterrestrial genetic connection and understood how many outsiders
have taken advantage of human ignorance and used sophisticated
technologies to manipulate and deceive for their gain, the human
family could change and evolve in strength, not weakness.
In conversation, she told me: "Both negative and positive agendas
are producing hybrids and androids, and both sides are emphasising
the need to save the Earth's environment for their various vested
interests. Guardian aliens are promoting healing the planet, but the
negative groups are also trying to 'help the planet' by offering new
technologies so they can have a clean place to take over. I
understand the negative ones have had time agreements with the US
Government about introducing their species to humans.
"Lately, I think the negative ones have told the government they
will introduce themselves to the public if the government does not.
So, the government is supposedly setting the stage to introduce the
negative ones, and the negative aliens are planning to help the
government 'clear its reputation' by staging false events with
holographic inserts. Human minds won't be able to tell what's real
and what's not."
Whatever we ultimately learn about the truth in these highly
strange cases in which dire warnings are given to humans about the
Earth's future, the fact is that, by the fall of 1997, Jim Sparks was
still pretty much in the same place he had been after the carnival
park meeting. He had no specific instructions about how to carry out
his "mission" to save the environment and to move the US Government
towards amnesty for all military and intelligence people who had
signed oaths of secrecy about UFO-related matters.
However, Sparks had a night-time visitation by one of the little
grey "drones". He said he woke up and was conscious of "the little
guy" standing at the foot of his bed. Then he got a clear mental
picture of Rome burning and then a rainforest burning, along with the
strong telepathic communication, "You must put out the fire!"
Jim is confused about the association between Rome burning and the
rainforest destruction, but says he wants to do something to save
"Linda, I need to get better known in order to have influence. I
want to get to a situation where I can speak publicly so I can talk
about the rainforest problems and other issues facing the Earth's
But meanwhile, Jim, every second of every day, the forests are on
"That's right."
So what is being accomplished? Have you contacted groups that are
already trying to save the rainforests and joined up with them?
"No. I have always cared about what happens to the Earth, but I've
never got myself involved with any groups. This is something new to
me. What am I going to say? I'm being advised by ETs?!"
What details did the reptoids give about air and water damage?
"They didn't give me exact details. They told me that we've got
problems with the air and water and food chain. I was told [in March
1995] that we've got about a decade to turn this thing around. Not
that the world will end. But there will be problems in reversing all
the damage. And the reptoids said someone in political power already
has this knowledge and technology and [they] are hoarding it for
security and defence reasons. And probably for greed, too.
"Those Black Budget Boys aren't coming forth with the truth
because their asses are on the line. They've got all the secret
organisations out there who have taken advantage of this knowledge
while everything else goes to hell. That's why the amnesty thing
makes sense. Then the BBB guys can tell the truth finally about alien
contact, getting alien technology, making money from it, and even
maiming and killing people to protect that secret. With amnesty, they
can come forward with the truth and won't be prosecuted."
Jim, if there is urgency, why would the aliens go to you when you
have no resources to make radical changes?
"Maybe it isn't just Jim Sparks. It could be a million other
abductees, too, for all I know. Maybe all of us are going to do
something at the same time. It's a very complicated thing. I wish I
had the power today to go down to South America and Malaysia and
snuff the fires out. I don't. I know there are organisations like
Greenpeace and the Sierra Club and Save the Rainforests-but have they
stopped things, either?"
Jim, what happens if there's no change in the status quo?
"I think the aliens want to do this with our help. But if that
doesn't work, I think they are going to intervene. They use a minimal
amount of energy to get the most work done. I think that if they can
interact with individuals on this planet, give advice, give
technology, show ways of doing things that are better for survival,
they'll do that first."
But why? What's in it for the aliens?
"The same thing they've been doing with us for the past several
thousand years.
Which is?
"They farm us. They clone us. They make organs from us, and all
kinds of stuff. I'm not saying they are wonderful, benevolent beings
coming down here to save the Earth. Bullshit! They have their own
So, Jim, they want to preserve the Earth so they can continue to
harvest DNA from certain bloodlines?
"Yeah. I think the Earth will be fine, eventually. But humans
might not be able to live on it. You need a certain percentage of
oxygen to breathe."
You mean the aliens are trying to get their 'crop' to stop
self-destructing, so they can keep harvesting what they need.
"That's right. And remember, Linda, when this stuff started
happening, I didn't ask for it. And not only did I not ask for it, I
didn't want anything to do with it."
1. Sparks, Jim, Star People, Outsiders - Us? Or Them?, 1996
(unpublished manuscript).
2. Hayes, Anna, Voyagers, The Sleeping Abductees, Wild Flower Press,
USA, 1998.
Editor's Note:
This text was extracted, with permission, from chapter 3 ("Other
Beings, Other Worlds") of Linda Moulton Howe's book, Glimpses
of Other Realities - Vol. II: High Strangeness (Paper
Chase Press, USA, 1998, ISBN 1-879706-78-4) (see review in NEXUS
About the Author:
Linda Moulton Howe is a graduate of Stanford University, USA, and has
a Masters degree in communication. She is a science and environment
reporter for radio and television, and reporter and editor on
www.earthfiles.com and with
Premiere Radio Networks. For the last seven years without
interruption, she has reported news for both
Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell and
Dreamland on Sundays.
Linda's film documentaries, A Strange Harvest and
Strange Harvests 1993, explored the worldwide animal
mutilations phenomenon. Her books include An Alien
Harvest; Glimpses of Other Realities - Vol. I:
Facts & Eyewitnesses; and, most recently, Glimpses
of Other Realities - Vol. II: High Strangeness . These
are available on the Internet via amazon.com and
barnes&noble.com. Linda's books and videos can also be obtained
through NEXUS offices in Australia, NZ, UK and the Netherlands.
