The Privatisation of Water
The trend towards privatising
the world's water supplies and applying full-cost pricing policies
means that millions of people are losing access to an already scarce
Extracted from Nexus Magazine, Volume 8, Number 3
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© by Susan Bryce © 2000-2001
Australian Freedom & Survival Guide
PO Box 66, Kenilworth, Qld 4574, Australia
E-mail: sbryce@squirrel.com.au
Website: www.squirrel.com.au/~sbryce/
There once was a
time when water fell freely from the clouds in the sky and bubbled
from the springs in the hills...when the rivers, streams and lakes
were full to the brim...when ancient underground aquifers flowed like
great veins beneath the continents...when water nurtured our people,
like babes sustained by their mother's milk.
Today, water has become a scarce resource. Climate
change has wreaked havoc with the weather, and the clouds no longer
pour their tears of life upon our great forests. Vast agricultural
lands suck rivers and streams dry. Our lakes are choked with dead
fish which have been suffocated by industrial pollutants. The bowels
of the Earth are constantly relieved of their waters, millions of
years old.
Experts predict that by the year 2025 our world
will be suffering from the dramatic effects of hydrological poverty.
There will be great disputes and even wars over water. "Failure to
act could damage the planet irreversibly, unleashing a spiral of
increased hunger, deprivation, disease and squalor."1
Thankfully, action has been taken--at the highest
level--to avert this apocalyptic nightmare. By declaring water a
commodity--an economic good, to be measured, apportioned and
regulated by corporations--the tide of disaster will be stemmed. This
momentous decision has been made for us by a handful of transnational
corporations and members of the United Nations system of
organisations. This self-appointed group have mandated themselves the
custodians of the world's water resources. They concede that the
full-cost pricing of water, for domestic, agricultural and industrial
use, will be a painful adjustment for humanity. But they argue that
this is a small price to pay for water security, for their
guardianship of our most precious resource.
With the blessing of national governments, a
vigorous and dynamic agenda to privatise the world's water supplies
is being pursued. Traditional and indigenous rights are acknowledged,
then cast aside. National sovereignty is affirmed, then eroded.
Access to water--a God-given or a human right--is recognised, then
The old economy has been fuelled by oil. The new
economy will be fuelled by hydrodollars. A globalised trade in water
is being created2 and we, the
people, are to become the consumers in this multitrillion-dollar
This article examines the unbelievable
reductionist thinking, social ruthlessness, arrogant ignorance and
alienating mindset of a group of elite planners and transnational
corporations spearheading the drive to commodify our water.
Academics, scientists, politicians and hydrological experts are today
in agreement that the world faces a grave water crisis. Using
mathematical modelling,3 they have been
able to predict that by 2025 at least 40 per cent of the projected
world population of 7.2 billion may face serious problems with
agriculture, industry or human health if they rely solely on natural
endowments of fresh water. Severe water shortages could strike
particular regions of water-rich countries such as the USA and
Already, 26 countries have more people than their
water supplies can adequately support. Tensions are mounting over
scarce water in the Middle East and could ignite during this decade.
Competition for water is intensifying between city dwellers and
farmers around Beijing, New Delhi, Phoenix and other water-short
All the evidence points to the first quarter of
the 21st century being the "zero hour" for water in some parts of the
world. The possibility of a water scarcity has been raised before,
but only in the last few years has the language of crisis become
International discussions about the world's water
supplies began in 1977 when the United Nations held the first World
Water Conference in Mar del Plata, Argentina. The Conference declared
the 1980s to be the "UN International Drinking Water Supply and
Sanitation Decade". The altruistic goal was to ensure all people in
the world had access to adequate water supplies and sanitation within
a decade.
Ten years later, the Brundtland Commission told the world that our
approach to development was unsustainable--but it had little to say
about water. Then, in 1992, the Rio Conference on Environment and
Development, in its "Agenda for the 21st Century" (known as "Agenda
21"), addressed fresh water in chapter 18 of its report.
In 1996, the World Water Council, a private
think-tank, was formed. The founding members were Egypt's Ministry of
Public Works and Water Resources, the Canadian International
Development Agency and the French transnational water corporation
Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux. Other organisations supporting the start-up
of the World Water Council were:
* International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID)
* International Water Resources Association (IWRA)
* Istituto Agronomico Mediterraneo (CIHEAM- Bari)
* International Water Association (IWA)
* United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
* United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
* United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization
* United Nations Environment Program (UNEP)
* United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
* Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC)
* World Bank (WB)
* World Conservation Union (IUCN)
* World Health Organization (WHO)
* World Meteorological Association (WMA)
The World Water Council set about developing its
vision for our future: a comprehensive document, The Long Term Vision for Water, Life and
Environment,7 better known by
its subtitle, World Water Vision, Making
Water Everybody's Business.
At a 1998 meeting held in Washington, DC, the
World Water Council appointed a group of commissioners to turn the
World Water Vision into reality. The membership of the World Water
Commission, as it became known, reads like a who's who of the ruling
elite. The high profile commissioners include:
* Dr Ismali Serageldin (Commission Chair), Vice President, World
Bank, and Chair of Global Water Partnership
* Margaret Catley-Carlson, President, Population Council
* Gordon Conway, President, The Rockefeller Foundation
* Mohamed T. El-Ashry, Chair and CEO of the Global Environment
* Howard Hjort, former Deputy Director, FAO
* Enriquo Iglesias, President, Inter-American Development Bank
* Yolanda Kababadse, President, World Conservation Union
* Jessica Mathews, President, Carnegie Endowment for International
Peace, USA
* Robert S. McNamara, Co-Chair, Global Coalition for Africa
* Maurice Strong, Chair, Earth Council, member of Commission on
Global Governance, and a chief adviser in charge of the UN reform
* Wilfred Thalwitz, former Senior VP, World Bank
* Jerome Mondo, Chair of the Supervisory Board, Suez Lyonnaise des
Awareness of the impending water crisis has been heightened due to
the international World Water Forums, the triennial public meetings
of the World Water Council. A number of agreements and principles
from the Forums have become the basis upon which corporate control of
water is being effected.
More than 4,000 luminaries from around the world
attended the World Water Forum at The Hague in March 2000.
Scientists, water experts, government and business leaders and
greenwash8 organisations were on hand. The World Water Vision was formally
presented to the Forum by Mikhail Gorbachev's organisation, Green
Cross International.9
The six-day meeting concluded with 130 government
representatives issuing "The Ministerial Declaration of the Hague", a
four-page document calling for all relevant organisations to get
involved in "integrated water resources management" to ensure "that
every person has access to enough safe water at an affordable cost".
Hidden among the warm, fuzzy, double-speak of the Declaration was the
real agenda:
Valuing water: to manage water in a way
that reflects its economic, social, environmental and cultural values
for all its uses, and to move towards pricing water services to
reflect the cost of their provision.10
The March 2000 Forum was presented to the world as
part of a democratic participative process for water management, when
in fact the process was designed by powerful multinationals and
elites without taking into account the basic needs of the people. The
world's top transnational corporations were well represented, and
they released a three-page special joint CEO Statement during the
Forum. Nestlé and Unilever (the world's first and third
largest food corporations respectively) joined forces with Heineken,
ITT and the global water companies DVH, Azurix, CH2M Hill and Suez
Lyonnaise des Eaux to declare:
Water is an economic good and its economic
value should be recognised in the allocation of scarce water
resources to competing uses. While this should not prevent people
from meeting their basic needs for water services at affordable
prices, the price for water must be set at a level that encourages
conservation and wise use.11
Water is already a US$400-billion global business,
yet privatised water so far only accounts for 10 per cent of the
world's water utilities. The World Water Commission argues that only
private firms can provide the enormous capital, which it estimates at
US$180 billion a year, needed to fix the world's water problems. This
entails eliminating generalised subsidies for water and replacing
them with prices which offer an attractive return on
If we proceed with our "business as usual" approach to water, then
the limits of natural and socioeconomic systems will be reached by
2025, the World Water Council warns in World Water Vision. At best, we
will experience chronic problems, and catastrophes may trigger
regional and even global crises. The Vision does not elaborate upon
exactly what these crises may be, suffice to say that they can be
staved off by moving to full-cost pricing for all water services.
Chapter four of World
Water Vision takes a futuristic look at
what the world will be like in the year 2025. Life under the
Vision will be
much different from now:
By 2010, public and private utilities were
generally applying full cost recoveryŠbecause some low-income
households could not afford water, measures were introduced to
subsidise these households so that they could pay for water to meet
their basic needs. These households also contributed to the cost of
their services in kind through their labour for installation and
Exactly how the labour of billions of poor people
could be used "in kind" for "installation and operation" is not
addressed. One can only assume that the Vision would see a return to
the days of feudal overlords, when the poor served as slaves who
worked for their daily bread--or, in this case, their daily water.
Further along in the Vision, water subsidies for the
poor (and possibly even the poor themselves) are wiped out, along
with subsidies for agricultural water:
A new round of negotiations of the World
Trade Organization in 2010 agreed to add water subsidies to the list
of unacceptable subsidies to inputs for agriculture. As this policy
was implemented in the years that followed, food prices from
exporting countries rose slightly, improving farm incomes in
developing countries. Prices eventually stabilised around their
previous level, but low-income urban dwellers felt the pinch of
higher food prices while they lasted.
Commenting on the full-cost pricing of water for
agriculture, the Vision says:
As a first step, governments had begun
decentralising responsibility for operation and maintenance to
cooperatives or to private owners--a trend accelerated in the first
years of the new century. Because farmers depended on the proper
functioning of these systems for their livelihoods, they ensured
operation and maintenance. Again, many farmers and especially
lower-income users contributed their services as in-kind
contributions to the cost. Appropriate low-cost technology such as
treadle pumping of shallow groundwater was widely adopted for holders
of small plots. All operation and maintenance subsidies were
eliminated. Indirect subsidies to operating costs, such as energy,
were also eliminated. This had a major impact on water management in
India, which in 2005-15 discouraged groundwater overpumping by
gradually eliminating subsidies for the energy to pump water from
The most important point about having a vision is
also have a framework for action to implement the vision. Apart from
the appointment of the high-profile World Water Commission, the World
Water Council spawned a sister entity, the Global Water Partnership,
to develop and guide a "Framework for Action".
The Framework document, like all of the documents
presented by the World Water Council and its offshoots, uses rhetoric
and coloured language in an attempt to make recommendations sound
more palatable. References to gender, community empowerment and land
reform help paint what are far-reaching proposals to expand and
reinforce corporate power over the world's water supplies.
The document contains actions that governments
should take to implement the vision. Specifically, it calls for: full
liberalisation and deregulation of the water sector (national
treatment), whereby transnational corporations are given the same
treatment as local enterprises and/or public authorities;
transparency in government procurement of water contracts; trade
facilitation, where governments should be more service-oriented to
the private sector; and privatisation as much as feasible, with mixed
public-private partnership agreements being the next best thing.
Other recommendations include: the removal of all price and trade
distorting subsidies; dispute settlement over water issues; promotion
of agricultural biotechnologies; protection of property rights over
water resources; and the demand for a stable and predictable
investment climate, which would reinforce investor
THE WORLD BANK: "A world full of
Several years ago, Dr Ismail Serageldin, Vice-President of the World
Bank, said that the wars of the 21st century will be about
water.14 To respond to the escalating crisis, the World Bank has
adopted a policy of water privatisation and full-cost water pricing.
The basis of the Bank's policies are outlined in the 1992 paper
"Improving Water Resources Management", which discusses the
importance of pricing and other incentives which encourage consumers
to adopt efficient water use practices based upon the relative value
of the water:
Charging fees for domestic and industrial
water supplies is generally straightforward. In most cases, use can
be metered and fees can be charged according to the volume and
reliability of water used. Economic efficiency would be obtained by
setting water charges equal to the opportunity cost of water.
However, immediate adoption of such prices often proves to be
politically difficult. Thus, given the low level of cost recovery at
present and the extent of underpricing, fees that establish the water
entity's financial autonomy would be a good starting point to ensure
the entity's independence and the sustainability of operations. Both
public and private entities should pay for the costs of the water and
sanitation services they receive.
The World Bank believes that making water
available at no cost, or low cost, does not provide the right
incentive to consumers. Its research and experience indicate
...when water services are reliable, the
poor are willing to pay for them, and that when service is not
reliable, the poor pay more for less, typically from street vendors.
As pointed out in the 'World Development Report 1992', the poor need
to be provided with a wider range of options so they can choose the
level of water services for which they are willing to pay, thereby
giving suppliers a financial stake in meeting the needs of the poor.
Fee schedules can be structured so that consumers receive a limited
amount of water at a low cost and pay a higher fee for additional
water. Fees set in this manner can correspond to efficiency prices
for incremental consumption, even as they provide low base rates that
benefit the poor. However, the schedule in aggregate should provide
for full-cost recovery; otherwise, the financial viability of the
water entity is endangered. Another form of subsidy to the poor,
which may be handled through one-time budgetary transactions, is a
subsidy for connecting households to the water supply and sanitation
The World Bank's matter-of-fact approach to the
full-cost pricing of water is a testament to its grandiose illusions,
bloated budget and quest for control of people and their resources.
Apart from its funding to support water privatisation, the Bank is
the world's greatest single source of funds for large dam
construction, having provided more than US$50 billion (1992 dollars)
for construction of more than 500 large dams in 92 countries. The
importance of the World Bank in major dam schemes is illustrated by
the fact that it has directly funded four of the five most
significant dam projects in developing countries outside China, three
of the five largest reservoirs in these countries, and three of the
five largest hydro-electric plants.15
In the early 1970s, there was a global surge in irrigation
development. Irrigation was the lead factor in the Green Revolution,
which resulted in the high-yield rice, wheat and maize varieties
which are dependent upon the liberal use of inorganic fertilisers.
The new crops of the Green Revolution displaced local foods, and the
diets of many people in the world became dangerously low in iron,
zinc, vitamin A and other micronutrients.16 Transnational
chemical companies which supplied the petrochemical-based
fertilisers, pesticides and herbicides that fuelled the Green
Revolution expanded their control and influence in the agricultural
Today, 70 per cent of the world's water is used
for crop irrigation. As the population grows, irrigated land is
expected to become increasingly significant in feeding people. But
the impending water crisis will push many croplands to the brink of
disaster, as there will be insufficient water to irrigate our food
crops. Compounding the problem is the fact that further expansion of
agricultural lands cannot be sustained due to the effects of
agrichemicals (soil erosion, salinity, poisoning of water, etc.).
Over the last 10 years, agrichemical companies
have been shifting their interests from chemicals to the life
sciences, where the future profits lie. The revolution in
biotechnology has been dubbed the "Double Green Revolution" by its
advocates, who claim that it will not only provide more food for more
people (the same argument that fuelled the original Green
Revolution), but that seeds can be genetically engineered to be less
This is a critical development which will see
corporations turn the crisis of pollution and depletion of water
resources (which they helped create in the first place) into a
business opportunity, as control of the world's seed stock and water
resources becomes the new frontier for private investors.
The chemical giant Monsanto has already positioned
itself as a major player in the life sciences via its control over
seed, the first link in the food chain. In a report for the
organisation Corporate Watch, Dr Vandana Shiva describes Monsanto's
new interest: water.17 She cites a
Monsanto strategy paper which outlines the company's plan for
corporate control of water:
First, we believe that discontinuities
(either major policy changes or major trendline breaks in resource
quality or quantity) are likely, particularly in the area of water,
and we will be well positioned via these businesses to profit even
more significantly when these discontinuities occur. Second, we are
exploring the potential of non-conventional financing (NGOs, World
Bank, USDA, etc.) that may lower our investment or provide local
country business-building resources.
For Monsanto, "sustainable development" means the
conversion of an ecological crisis into a market of scarce
The business logic of sustainable
development is that population growth and economic development will
apply increasing pressure on natural resource markets. These
pressures and the world's desire to prevent the consequences of these
pressures if unabated will create vast economic opportunity. When we
look at the world through the lens of sustainability, we are in a
position to see current and foresee impending resource market trends
and imbalances that create market needs. We have further focussed
this lens on the resource market of water and land.
Monsanto projects revenues of $420 million and net
income of $63 million by 2008 from water resource developments in
India and Mexico alone. The Monsanto paper states:
We are particularly enthusiastic about the
potential of partnering with the International Finance Corporation
(IFC) of the World Bank to joint-venture projects in developing
markets. The IFC is eager to work with Monsanto to commercialize
sustainability opportunities and would bring both investment capital
and on the ground capabilities to our efforts.
According to Maude Barlow,18 author of
Blue Gold: The Global Water Crisis and the
Commodification of the World's Water Supply: "The privatisation of municipal water services has a
terrible record that is well documented. Customer rates are doubled
or tripled; corporate profits rise as much as 700 per cent;
corruption and bribery are rampant; water quality standards drop,
sometimes dramatically; overuse is promoted to make money; and
customers who can't pay are cut off... When privatisation hits the
Third World, those who can't pay will die."
This brief summary demonstrates the extent of
commodification so far, and highlights some of the failures.
Developing World
Programs which transfer existing government-managed water systems to
private firms, financially autonomous utilities and water user
associations are being implemented in Latin America (Argentina,
Colombia, and Mexico); Asia (Bangladesh, Indonesia, Nepal, Pakistan,
The Philippines and Sri Lanka); Africa (Côte d'lvoire,
Madagascar, Morocco, Niger, Senegal and Tunisia); and Eastern Europe
In some countries, such as Indonesia, Nepal, The Netherlands and Sri
Lanka, the tradition of farmer-managed water service systems is
centuries old.
* Argentina
The state-run water company Obras Sanitarias de la Nación was
sold to Aguas Argentinas, a private company owned by Suez- Lyonnaise
des Eaux of France. Aguas Argentinas expanded the water network to
600,000 new residents. Aguas Argentinas has promised to cut prices by
27 per cent and to invest US$4 billion in improving services over a
30-year period. The International Finance Corporation (a subsidiary
of the World Bank) provided a $172.5 million loan to Aguas Argentinas
in 1994.
Some people in the centre of Buenos Aires have benefited from the
privatisation, but those outside the capital say water is more
expensive and the service has not improved.
"On many days there is no water," says Marcelo Paoletti, an activist
from an Argentine group called the Ecologist Workshop. He lives in
Rosario, the country's second largest city. Paoletti's bills add up
to 24 pesos (US$24) a month, more than when the water supply was
publicly managed.
Aguas Argentinas has also been criticised a number of times by the
state regulatory authorities for corporate misconduct and failure to
provide acceptable service standards.19
* Bolivia
As Maude Barlow explains,20 in 1998 the
World Bank:
"...refused to guarantee a US$25-million loan to refinance water
services in Cochabamba, Bolivia's third-largest city, unless the
government sold the public water system to the private sector and
passed on the costs to consumers. Only one bid was considered, and
the utility was turned over to a subsidiary of a conglomerate led by
Bechtel--the giant engineering company implicated in the infamous
Three Gorges Dam in China, which has caused the forced relocation of
1.3 million people.
"In January 1999, before it had even hung up its shingle, the company
announced the doubling of water prices. For most Bolivians, this
meant that water would now cost more than food; for those on a
minimum wage or unemployed, water bills suddenly accounted for close
to half their monthly budgets. To add insult, the World Bank granted
monopolies to private water concessionaires, announced its support
for full-cost water pricing, pegged the cost of water to the US
dollar, and declared that none of its loan could be used to subsidize
the poor for water services. All water, even from community wells,
required permits to access, and peasants and small farmers even had
to buy permits to gather rainwater on their property."
On 10 April 2000, hundreds of thousands marched to Cochabamba in an
anti-government protest. The government backed down, ordered Bechtel
out of Bolivia, and revoked its water privatisation
Developed Nations
* Australia
A report, A Vision for Australia's Water
Resources 2025, was prepared for the World
Water Forum 2000 by Integrated Resource Management Ltd under contract
from UNESCO. The Australian report recommends water pricing related
to volume and timing, as well as the elimination of
Australia has already undertaken a program of far-reaching changes in
the way the water sector is organised and managed, with an increasing
role for the private sector. In 1994, the Council of Australian
Governments (COAG) declared that "business as usual" in the rural
water industry was not a viable option for irrigators--or the
environment.22 They are now implementing changes which will affect
pricing, water allocations, institutional arrangements and
environmental management. These reforms are to be implemented
together, as a package, this year.
The reform package includes a COAG agreement to introduce full-cost
recovery pricing in rural areas by 2001. This means current prices
paid for water are likely to rise. In some cases, prices have
escalated already. Many local governments in Australia have made
rainwater tanks and recycling of grey water illegal.23
* Britain
Since the privatisation of water services in Britain during the
Thatcher Government, prices skyrocketed by up to 450 per cent,
averaging an increase of 67 per cent. Thousands of people, unable to
pay their bill, had their water service cut. As a result, dysentery
increased sixfold, leading the British Medical Association to condemn
privatisation because of the related health risks. While the
companies are hugely profitable and executive incomes soar, no effort
has been spared in maximising revenues. In one instance, a water
company began billing a rural resident who was serviced by a well.
The company argued that the rain falling on the resident's property
was making its way into the storm drainage system and therefore the
resident should pay a fee.24
* Canada
Water is becoming a commodity to be traded and sold. Pressures within
Canada to privatise control of municipal water services and treat
water resources as an export commodity are increasing. French and
British companies are vying with American firms to control Canada's
water services.
Many municipalities have entered into "partnerships" with private
organisations. Moncton, for example, has entered into a 20-year
agreement that will see the city's water filtration plant maintained
and operated privately. The company, US Filter, will build the plant
and sell it to the city upon completion, in exchange for a guarantee
that it will have exclusive rights to sell Moncton its drinking
water. The company has sought status as a municipality for tax
purposes, arguing that it should be exempt from GST.25
* France
In France, private companies have been prosecuted for providing water
that's polluted and unfit to drink. A French Government report
revealed more than 5.2 million citizens received "bacterially
unacceptable" water. Corruption is also rampant, with water-related
bribery schemes resulting in convictions of municipal officials and
water company board members under investigation. French cities with
private water charge 30 per cent more than cities with public water.
In France as well as Germany and the Czech Republic, municipalities
guarantee payments to companies if consumption or prices are not
sufficient to ensure a profit.26
In the past five years, privatisation of water utilities in the US
has expanded. The major utilities, Consumers Water Co., Dominguez
Services, Southwest Water, Connecticut Water and E'Town Corp have
seen returns of more than 20 per cent for investors.
In February 2001, US Water News Online27 reported a
move towards the concept of "zero depletion" for water in the state
of Kansas. Governor Bill Graves's proposal entails having a "zero
depletion" policy in place for Kansas aquifers by 2020. It would
mandate that the water taken from an aquifer over a certain period of
time not exceed the rate at which the water is recharged. A task
force on water issues that Graves appointed as part of his "Vision
21st Century Initiative" advocated a zero depletion policy.
California will receive surplus water from states in the Colorado
River basin under a deal signed recently that commits the state to
improving its water conservation efforts. The accord commits
California to reducing its reliance on Colorado River water over the
next 15 years, with the goal of reaching its allotment of 4.4 million
acre feet per year. Without the deal, California would have faced
potentially costly litigation by the other six states in the river
basin: Utah, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona and Nevada.
To increase water availability in the next 15 years, regional
authorities will consider steps such as desalinating seawater and
transferring water from elsewhere in California and out of the
In the year 2025, we look back to see what happened after water
became a commodity and to study the effect of hydrodollars on the new
economy. Instead of a world of prosperity and plenty, we see a World
Water Nightmare.
By 2025, the global trade in illegal water has become rife. The
number of deaths from polluted and black market water is on the
increase. Another class of water pollutants is running rife: residues
of pharmaceutical drugs given to people and domestic animals. They
are being measured in increasing quantities in surface water, in
groundwater and in drinking water at the tap.
In the developing world, millions have died from thirst and
starvation. Water wars have decimated the Middle East, China and
parts of the USA. Vast tracts of farmland have become wasteland,
handed over to the corporations which control the expansive
allotments where our food is grown.
The commodification of water did not create
"sustainable agriculture" or help the environment. The world has
almost collapsed from soil acidity. Biotechnology, the science that
promised food, health and hope for the world, has betrayed its
proponents. In 2025, we see the results of genetically engineering
crops to be less thirsty and more productive. The great famines which
the world is currently experiencing are a direct result of
monoculture based upon genetically engineered seed stocks. The price
of food is out of reach of many urban dwellers. At first, they turned
to home gardening--before it was declared illegal. Now they have no
choice but to contribute to the cost of their food and water in kind
through their toil. Or die. The life sciences have become the death
If only we had taken action when these plans were
first revealed. If only our protests had not fallen on deaf ears. If
only our governments had challenged the statements made at the World
Water Forum 2000. Instead, they acquiesced to the plans, sending
their ministers, advisers, bureaucrats and scientists to take part.
The very future of humanity on Earth has been gravely imperilled by
greedy, dishonest, power-hungry politicians and corporations. They
have succeeded in reducing every component of Nature to an economic
commodity. They have abrogated the ethics and spirit of life
preservation and replaced them with the values of corporate
The commodification of water... Genetic
engineering and patenting of traditional seed stock... Control water,
control food, control people... A truly dark age is upon us.
1. UN Press Release GA/9259 ENV/DEV/424, 23 June
1997. In 1997, a special session of the UN was called to review and
appraise the implementation of "Agenda 21", the program of action
adopted by the United Nations Conference on Environment and
Development (UNCED) held in Rio de Janeiro in June 1992. These
remarks were made by UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan in a media
release discussing the consequences if Agenda 21 is not
2. Water is now traded on the Internet. At
water2water.com, you can buy, sell, trade or auction water 24 hours a
3. Readers will recall that mathematical modelling
was also used by the Club of Rome in its 1972 report, The Limits To Growth, which
predicted disaster unless the world's population was capped.
4. Gleick, Peter H., "Making Every Drop Count",
Scientific American, February 2001, pp. 29-33. Also see Journal of the American Water Resources
Association, vol. 25, no. 6, December
1999, which examines the metadata for almost 900 bibliographic
references on the effects of climate change and variability on US
water resources.
5. For more details, see The Last Oasis: Facing Water Scarcity by Sandra Postel. Her study, funded by the Ford
Foundation, was published in 1992 and re-released in 1997 as part of
the Worldwatch Environmental Alert Series. Postel's warnings were
reiterated by UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan on the occasion of the
World Water Forum in March 2000. Annan's media release was titled "UN
committed to ensuring world water security and 'Blue Revolution',
says Secretary-General in message to World Water Forum"; see UN Press
Release SG/SM/7334 ENV/DEV/534.
6. For example, in UN Press Release SG/SM/5931 of
1996, "International community must act to avert impending water
supply catastrophe", the then UN Secretary-General Boutros
Boutros-Ghali described the impending water crisis as "one worse than
the oil crisis of the 1970s". He was speaking on the occasion of
World Water Day in March 1996.
7. The first draft of World Water Vision was available
in 1997. A second draft came in 1999. The completed Vision document
was presented at the World Water Forum in March 2000.
8. A "greenwash" is where transnational corporations
preserve and expand their markets by posing as friends of the
environment and enemies of poverty. Greenwash takes many forms: from
a pious concern for the environment, expressed in expensive
advertising campaigns, to the "continuous improvement" ballyhooed in
voluntary codes of conduct; from the creation of benign-sounding
corporate front groups, to the participation of TNCs in environmental
conferences and events. All these efforts share the goal of avoiding
national and international sanctions on dirty TNC operations, which
are at the root of many global environmental crises. See Kenny Bruno
and Jed Greer's book, Greenwash: The
Reality Behind Corporate Environmentalism,
published by Third World Network and APEX Press, 1996.
9. The mission of Green Cross International is to
help create the conditions for a sustainable future by cultivating a
more harmonious relationship between humans and the environment.
Green Cross International's President, Mikhail Gorbachev, was invited
to guest-edit a special edition of Civilization, the magazine of
the US Library of Congress, on the global water crisis. The edition
was launched at a special event in Washington, DC, on 10 October
2000. Green Cross International has been granted General Consultative
Status with the Economic and Social Council (Ecosoc) of the United
Nations. Its honorary board members include Dr David Suzuki, Shimon
Perez, Javier Perez de Cuellar, Rudolph Lubbers and Dr Thor
Heyerdahl. Green Cross International has played a critical role in
the development of the Earth Charter.
10. Ministerial Declaration of The Hague, agreed
to on Wednesday 22 March 2000 at the World Water Forum.
11. Companies participating in the World Water
Forum CEO Panel on business and industry and endorsing this statement
were: Azurix (USA); CH2M Hill Companies Ltd (USA); DHV (The
Netherlands); Heineken NV (The Netherlands); ITT Industries (USA);
Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux (France); Nestlé SA (Switzerland);
Nuon (The Netherlands); Severn Trent PLC (UK); Unilever NV (The
Netherlands); Vivendi Water (France).
12. Corporate Europe Observer, "And Not A Drop to
Drink! World Water Forum promotes privatisation and deregulation of
the world's water", issue 7, www.xs4all.nl/~ceo/.
13. The World Bank's mission statement is "A world
free of poverty".
14. The Jerusalem Morning
Post of 1 February 2001 warned that
Israel's current water crisis was the "worst in history". Water
Commissioner Shimon Tal declared that, for the first time since the
establishment of the state, more water is expected to be supplied for
domestic use this year than for agriculture due to plans to cut fresh
water quotas for farming by an average of 50 per cent. The issue of
Water for Peace in the Middle East was raised at the World Water
Forum 2000. Mikhail Gorbachev (representing Green Cross), Minister
Mahadin of Jordan (in Jordan, the water shortage is becoming
permanent and water may very well become a reason for conflicts),
John Frydman of Israel, and Ambassador Yousef Habbab of the
Palestinian Authority deliberated upon the issue of water and peace
in the Middle East.
15. Since 1948, the World Bank has financed large
dam projects which have forcibly displaced in the order of 10 million
people from their homes and lands. The Bank's own 1994 "Resettlement
and Development" review admits that the vast majority of women, men
and children evicted by World Bank-funded projects never regained
their former incomes nor received any direct benefits from the dams
for which they were forced to sacrifice their homes and lands.
16. Monsanto has addressed this problem by creating
a new genetically engineered "Golden Rice" containing beta-carotene
(a source of vitamin A). Golden Rice is now being promoted as the
solution to vitamin A deficiency in the developing world.
17. "Monsanto expanding monopolies from seed to
water", Corporate Watch, August 1999, www.corpwatch.org/trac/corner/worldnews.
18. Barlow, Maude, "Water Is A Basic Human Right -
Or Is It?", Toronto Globe and
Mail, Canada, 11 May 2000, www.theglobeandmail.com/hubs/national.html [also quoted in NEXUS 7/05 Global News].
19. For further details, see www.whirledbank.org/development/private.html.
20. Barlow, ibid.
21. A Vision for
Australia's Water Resources 2025, Final
Report, November 1999, prepared for the World Water Council by
Integrated Resource Management Research Pty Ltd, Brisbane, Australia
(UNESCO Contract BL 21-05), www.catchment.com.
22. Council of Australian Governments
Communiqué, Hobart, 25 February 1994, www.dist.gov.au/science/pmsec/14meet/inwater/app3form.html.
23. National Competition Council, Second Tranche
Assessment of Progress on Water Reform in NSW and Queensland,
24. Extracted from Alberni Environmental Coalition
On-Line Library, CUPE's Annual Report on Privatization, 1999,
25. ibid.
26. ibid.
27. See www.uswaternews.com/homepage.html.
About the Author:
Susan Bryce is an Australian journalist and author of more than 70
published research articles. Susan publishes the Australian
Freedom & Survival Guide,
which aims to undermine the pervading myths surrounding the corporate
consumer culture, globalisation and the New World Order.
encourages public debate and questioning of issues which are
fundamental to our future freedom and survival. These issues include
genetic engineering, food irradiation and related issues, Big Brother
and the international surveillance regime, corporate power and global
governance, and self-sufficiency in the 21st century.
is available by subscription (6 issues per year, A$45.00, US$37.00,
£25.00). Send cheque, payable to Susan Bryce, to: PO Box 66,
Kenilworth, Qld 4574, Australia. For more details, visit Susan's
website at www.squirrel.com.au/~sbryce/.
