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BRIGHT SKIESTop-Secret Weapons Testing?Part 4Reports of fireballs and EM light-energy events are on the rise, not just in the Australian outback. Are these events tests of 'Tesla weapons', and is there a 'secret war' going on?
Extracted from Nexus Magazine, Volume 4,
#6 (October-November 1997). ©1997 All Rights Reserved
Readers of previous episodes of this "Bright Skies" series might be forgiven for believing that exotic fireball, light emission, electrical, electromagnetic and coupled explosive and/or seismic events have been observed in recent years solely within the continent of Australia. Although sightings 'down under' have been prolific and strongly suggest that we are being utilised as a major testing ground for someone, there have also been a significant number of similar events in other countries during the same time frame (say, 1985-1997), as the following randomly chosen examples (provided to the author by NEXUS readers and reproduced below in their original, but abridged, format) amply demonstrate. MANSFIELD INCIDENT, ENGLAND, UK, 1987 Ashley Rye e-mailed Skywatch (an Internet UFO news server) with the following report concerning an event that occurred in the early hours of 12 November 1987 at Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, England, UK: On the night of November 12, 1987, a freak storm, or freak 'thunderbolt', damaged a number of properties in the Kirkby area, including one house that was almost destroyed. Mike West, who dealt with many of the insurance claims, will verify that this was no ordinary meteorological phenomenon. He told local residents, 'This just doesn't make any sense. Every claim that I've dealt with in the last 26 years has been logical and reasonable...but this defies reason. It did not even travel in a straight line (as you would expect with a thunderbolt, following the line of least resistance). It zigzagged across the sky, and people even saw it dive down over the hills... It's as if the whole area was blanketed with electromagnetic radiation.' Effects were felt over a wide area. Mansfield residents were rudely awoken at 1.30 am by a sound 'like an explosion'. Appropriately perhaps, a few were immersed at the time in an old war movie, The Battle of Britain, on TV, which by bizarre coincidence had just reached the point where German bombers were dropping their payload on a British aerodrome. During the explosion, lights reportedly switched on by themselves, while others which were already on exploded. Some TV aerials split in two. Forty insurance claims were made in one street for video and TV equipment damaged by the 'thunderbolt'. A local video and TV repairman working late at home that evening reported that the lights suddenly dimmed and light bulbs started to pop in the house; furthermore, the electrical trip-switch blew. Next day he was inundated with phone calls from individuals whose equipment had been damaged. Some suggested ball lightning was the cause of all this, but one old lady saw it flying straight towards her house, looping, double-looping and performing other manoeuvres. Another man watching from a distance described how the sky suddenly became bright red. The explosion was heard and felt over an area of seven to eight square miles, throwing some people out of bed-somewhat more energy than is required for a standard manifestation of ball lightning, one is tempted to conclude. Residents witnessed an object zigzagging very slowly over Mansfield, making a whining noise as if it were in trouble. Two more objects were subsequently observed coming down near Blidworth, close to Sherwood Forest. According to the insurance claims, objects came from three different directions and collided in mid-air just south of Mansfield. The UFOs were reportedly heading towards Kirkby when one of them seemed to encounter difficulty, apparently losing power and coming down in a large wood near Blidworth. It appeared to 'bounce' on impact, releasing a tremendous shockwave. One report suggested that one object was a craft in trouble and the other two could have been missiles. Numerous persons reported structural damage to their property. Powerlines collapsed. Curiously, meteorological reports confirmed that there was no cloud, wind, rain or lightning active that night, resulting in a number of property damage claims not being met, in spite of investigation. Other witnesses spoke of a still and cloudless night. Eyewitnesses described a number of balls of white light streaking to the UFO as it descended near Annesley Hall, which stands on private grounds, hampering attempts to obtain further information. At 2.15 am seven military helicopters, including what appeared to be troop-carrying Chinook surrounded by Gazelles and Lynxes, flew in at low speed, scanning the area with search lights over Normanton, Sutton-in-Ashfield and Kirkby. The police subsequently cordoned off the impact site and erected road blocks that remained for several days. Trees at the site are still badly incinerated and many are marked for removal. The army remained at the impact site for three to four days. The first impact of the object, before it bounced, caused a raging conflagration which burned some trees down and caused others to burn on the opposite side of their trunks from the fire. Damage left in the wood was calculated to have been made by an object approximately 60 feet across, confirmed visually by one witness. The trees were oddly bent from the base to a height of six feet and further. In microwave-like fashion, pine cones were burnt from the inside out. The day after the incident, heavy military lorries arrived at the site. Armed guards were posted to prevent access; government officials and spotter planes were seen. At the first impact site, topsoil was found to have been removed down to a level of about nine inches. This was replaced with clay and covered with new topsoil; pines and silver birch were planted. This report is extremely interesting from a number of angles, especially as it involves intense electrical activity and night-time light-emission phenomena. The sightings of actual objects need to be treated with caution as, in common with most night-time observations, it is highly likely that only light emission was actually observed, and thus the object or mass was assumed to be present behind the visible light-and this may or may not be the true situation. This Mansfield event may have been a secret military test of an advanced propulsion system gone horribly wrong, or a similar night-time flight of three such operational craft, or a true alien UFO accident scenario; or perhaps it consisted of three separate Tesla ray/wave plasma electromagnetic (EM) slugs (objects coming from three different directions and colliding) being transmitted to one target point where mutual interference released an EM pulse (similar in character to a nuclear EMP blast). "A number of balls of white light streaking to the object as it descended" could be describing an EMP effect-similar to those seen in several early film records of nuclear blasts where a multitude of white lights streak upwards from ground level and curve around the nuke's central fireball plasma looking like hundreds of small rockets, but actually consisting of many small, induced-EM energy slugs, derived from the Earth's own 'ground' EM field by the sudden creation of a massive new EM field density within the nuclear blast's plasma fireball. It is this mechanism that actually creates the nuclear blast's EM pulse (EMP) and causes widespread regional damage to unshielded electrical systems. If the postulated cause is correct, then this incident is a perfect example of a defocused EM weapon strike-perhaps a British test or, more likely, a Russian test designed to ascertain if UK authorities would recognise the technology and react (it being quite probable that they would not know what had actually taken place). The subsequent high-level British military activity at the Mansfield site demonstrates a very strong interest in this type of event. So someone at least was on the ball-in sharp contrast to our Australian authorities who appear to be adopting an ostrich-type approach. Such zigzagging or angular sine-wave-type fireball/lights have been quite commonly observed in the skies over the Kimberley region of northwestern Australia in recent years. These events appear to be mega-scale examples of oscilloscope-type action, with the moving EM energy light slug being controlled by electrostatic wave grids in the atmosphere/ionosphere. EUREKA EVENT, CALIFORNIA, USA, 1994 The following report, quite typical of the genre, was written by Christine Gates of Blue Lake, California, USA, and recently e-mailed to this author: Whilst driving (alone) from San Jose, California, north to my home in Eureka, California, on September 24, 1994 at 9.32 pm, I saw a blue fireball with a gold tail race by me. These are my best guesses about distance and speed. It was not too far from me, maybe a half mile or so. It was traveling between me and the mountains near Highway 101. It was approximately 100-200 feet off the ground, traveling from south to north at about 200 mph. I slowed the car down a little to watch this beautiful 'thing'. It then continued north over another mountain and then a huge flash of blue-white light lit up the night sky as though it were daytime! The flash came from where the fireball went over the horizon and radiated from that point out to the entire sky. I was about 25 minutes south of my home in Eureka. Oh, my God! I thought it was a missile that had targeted the Eureka area. My husband and my two-year-old daughter were home waiting for me! Would they be there when I arrived? Should I turn around? Are we at war? I nearly stopped on the highway because I was struck with terror! There was a California Highway Patrol Officer and another car on the road with me. None of us actually stopped but we all slowed down and then sped towards the city. When I got home, Eureka was still there, just as I had left it the day before. I was really confused. I ran into the house and asked my husband if he saw the flash of light. He looked at me funny and said, 'Yes, I saw it while I was sitting in the living room watching TV. What was it?' The next day, I asked everyone I knew and every stranger that I passed if they had seen the flash of light and/or the fireball. If I remember correctly, about 80% of everyone asked saw the flash. Most of them were inside their houses at the time. People inland reported that they also heard a very loud rumbling noise just before the flash. No one on the coast said they heard the rumbling. I don't think that anyone that I asked saw the fireball. I even called people up and down the west coast to see how far north and south it was seen. I, personally, spoke to people as far south at San Jose, as far east as Redding, CA, and as far north as Portland, Oregon, who saw the flash. The day after, September 25, 1994, there were two local TV stories, two local newspaper stories, and the large San Francisco Chronicle newspaper story about this bizarre occurrence. They were all asking, 'What was it?' The media made promises to let the people know. The next day, September 26, there was no more coverage. And not another word after that! The local TV station called me on September 25 to tell me that they were working on it, but the only official statement they could get was that it was 'Magnetic Interference in the Ionosphere'. End of story. The TV station said they checked with the airports, the police, the national weather station here in Eureka-nobody saw anything and there was nothing on any radar that night. The TV reporter that I had been talking with was very suspicious. We both wondered what it could have been. Even if it was as simple as a meteorite glancing past our planet, why was there so much silence about it by 6 pm, September 25, 1994? There was never another report about it by the media after that. This report from Eureka, California, is identical to hundreds of Australian reports as regards the fireball's appearance and flight style, its performance and the power of the explosion, as well as the initial media reaction followed by total media silence. The lack of follow-up stories may be purely due to ignorance followed by disinterest-or due to an official clamp-down. It is interesting to note that several identical types of fireball reports were made in the Kununurra and Tom Price regions of northern and northwestern Australia during October 1994, just days and weeks after this fireball event in California-suggesting that these fireball events are planet-wide in their scale of operation. POSTULATED PHYSICS OF FIREBALL EM WEAPONS Sixty-five per cent of all reported Australian fireballs have loud, pulsed, roaring Diesel freight train noises accompanying their flight. The remainder make no noise, and none is reported to give off a sonic boom. Hence I suspect none of these fireballs has mass attached (this being necessary to create a sonic boom or shock wave). I postulate that they probably consist of concentrated slugs of infolded Tesla ray-wave EM energy, emitting light (photons) as a by-product of interaction with air molecules to provide a hologram-like spatial form. The transverse vibrational waves reported as shaking houses under their flight paths may be caused by the rapidly vibrating Tesla longitudinal scalar wave EM energy slug initiating harmonic wave-coupling within the interatomic bonding of either (1) the nearby air molecules, or (2) the house construction material's crystal lattice, and/or (3) the ground rock crystal lattice. Severe high-energy harmonic coupling would occur at the instance of the weapon's microsecond wave release of a concentrated EM energy pulse, and this would probably cause an explosive splitting apart of the interatomic-level bonding of the targeted material, e.g., below-ground rock, above-ground building structures, or in the gases of the 'air'. This would create a huge explosion and a 'regular' earthquake, probably quite indistinguishable from a 'normal' quake; or, in the air, an 'air quake' would result. Such an explosion would probably be quite similar to a low-level nuclear fission blast and would involve essentially similar but EM-initiated interatomic processes that affect the atomic nucleus and its bonding with neighbouring atomic nuclei. It would probably create some minor residual radioactivity as a by-product of the process, due to the production of a number of exotic isotopes. This mechanism is probably the reason for Russian use of the code-word "Ellipton bomb" whilst referring to these types of EM weapons. ("Right-wing KGB presidential candidate" Vladimir Zhirinovsky was quoted using this term whilst apparently threatening Bosnian Muslims with annihilation.) Rapid on-off alternating electrostatic EM field coupling would cause a Mohr stress ellipsoid oscillation in any material by effects on interatomic bonding. If powerful enough, this energy input would ultimately lead to very fast explosive material rupture of the interatomic bonds-i.e., a major explosion of nuclear-force levels and/or the creation of an apparently normal-looking earthquake. RECENT AUSTRALIAN FIREBALL EVENTS Whilst this series of "Bright Skies" articles (Parts 1 to 3) has been in progress during 1997, we have continued to experience many significant fireball events here in Australia, the following major events being particularly worthy of mention: 1) Central New South Wales, 1 May 1997, late evening Massive blue-white rippled lights flashed through the night skies of central and eastern New South Wales late on the evening of 1 May 1997. These were reported in phone calls to the author and to the Melbourne-based National UFO Hotline. The following day Channel 10 TV ran a story picked up from the Sydney Reuters wire concerning many reports to the police and to astronomical observatories of a huge fireball that flew at low level across central NSW with a loud, roaring noise. This 'object' appeared to arc down to the ground on the horizon where it detonated with a loud explosion and an associated fireworks light display. A related ground tremor was reported from Cobar and Broken Hill. Observers considered that there must have been an Earth bolide impact somewhere in western-central NSW, northeast of Broken Hill. The events are believed by astronomers and the media to have been yet another meteorite fireball impact in Australia. However, since this initial media discussion, no reports of any impact crater discovery have been forthcoming. In fact, all news on this fireball went silent within one day of the event. 2) Central Victoria, 24 June 1997, 6.15 pm EST This dramatic fireball was reported by hundreds of observers in Victoria and Tasmania as it flew over the Tasman Sea, then via the Mornington Peninsula to north of Melbourne, over the town of Ballarat and towards the town of Ararat in Victoria. The observers reported that in its parallel-to-the-Earth, low-altitude overland flight path, the fireball caused overvoltage explosive blow-outs of house light-globes (240 volts AC), dimmed out car headlights by reducing vehicle DC voltage, and also discharged car batteries as it passed by at very high speed. (Afterwards, the car headlights and batteries returned to normal strength. Note that these effects upon 12-volt DC battery systems are very significant indicators of Tesla-style scalar electrostatic waves warping local space-time.) During its flight, the fireball also created shock or blast waves, felt by observers as air pressure waves. Penetrative vibrational waves shook houses quite violently as it went past. These propagated at right angles to its direction of travel and seemed to be severe due to the low altitude of the fireball. The fireball was reported variously as a huge, bright, orange-red-white-green-blue illumination (the exact colour appears in this case to depend upon the distance of the observer from the fireball). The fireball was commonly reported as the size of the full moon. It apparently was preceded by three bright blue illuminations. It made a very loud, pulsed roaring noise in flight. I am uncertain at this time if these blue lights were huge blue light flashes in the upper atmosphere-as I suspect, and as previously reported by observers in many other Australian fireball events and in many isolated, non-fireball, upper atmospheric or ionospheric bright-flash cases-or if they were blue lights moving in front of the main fireball. Night was turned briefly into day by the very bright light radiating from the fireball. It had a longish vapour or cloud-type trail. No sound-barrier blasts were reported, but it was very, very fast-thus suggesting that no mass was present, or else sonic booms would undoubtedly have been produced at its low flight altitude. The Victorian fireball was on a course that points directly at the Exmouth Peninsula Tx site in northwestern Australia, possibly originating on a great circle track from New Zealand or from further afield, e.g., the Tucano Tx site in Argentina. This recent Victorian fireball would appear to be another prime candidate for a Tesla longitudinal EM ray-wave plasma ball energy-slug weapon test-but perhaps it was just another exotic meteorite! Trouble is, lately we seem to be getting far too many of these monsters crossing our skies, and for some reason they just love flying on 1st May (see Part 1, NEXUS 4/03, re Perth event of 1 May 1995). Now who celebrates that date every year? FIREBALL EXPLOSIONS AND OTHER CONSIDERATIONS Apparently this recent Victorian fireball exploded spectacularly over western Victoria like a huge fireworks display. I say "apparently", since it is very common for observers to see a vivid fireworks light-energy explosion after the fireball gets down to their horizon. I suspect that this is only an ionospheric EM coupling effect, in view of the evidence from multiple witnesses along several different fireball flight paths. Commonly, each observer (spread along, say, 2,000 km of flight path) sees a fireball fly overhead, go down towards the horizon, disappear in a huge, massive fireworks display explosion; then the next observer (positioned, say, 200 km further along the flight path) sees exactly the same effect, and so on along the line of observers. It could be that the fireball (EM energy slug) is reacting with the atmosphere and/or ionosphere (à la Tesla thesis) to give a brilliant but pulsed display of light energy every 200 km or so. Or perhaps the EM fireball hologram is pulsing on-off at low frequency, and at the 'off' there is a field collapse, giving rise to the apparent explosion. Or, more likely, at the 'on' scalar EM field pulse there is a Tesla field transmission coupling from the Tx site to the atmosphere/ionosphere, via local dielectric-field ground, to give the apparent explosive fireworks display. The timing of the last two major fireball/explosion events was about 10.00 pm for the central NSW event of 1 May 1997, and just after 6.00 pm for the event of 24 June 1997 near Ararat, western Victoria. This does not suggest that any attempts to hide these possible 'weapons tests' are going on; rather, the opposite appears to be the case, i.e., people were meant to see these things. I find this interesting. Perhaps they are threat messages to our military-from, say, Russian-Japanese or from little grey aliens-or a new class of natural electrical event, or exotic meteors??? Of course there is every possibility that we are dealing with a series of highly electrically charged meteorites that have very odd flight characteristics-preferring to fly over Australia in ever- increasing numbers in recent years. With all of these fireballs running wild over our skies-and some getting pretty close to Canberra-you would think that someone in authority would get agitated enough to do something! At least some official comments would be in order, but all we get is silence. Yes, there have been historical meteor fireball events recorded on planet Earth over many centuries, but not with the present high periodicity, unique appearance and flight style, nor with the commonly associated explosive and seismic effects. These recent fireball and other electrical events are highly anomalous and appear to pose a considerable danger to the population of not only Australia but much of the entire planet. Certainly, just one of the associated explosion/earthquakes could completely flatten a town the size of Broken Hill, Kalgoorlie, Mt Isa, Alice Springs or Canberra-with enormous loss of life. It would approximate a nuclear blast in intensity and "spoil the inhabitants' whole day". Determination of whether I am correct or not about the source or origin of these fireballs-i.e., EM weapons 'tests', alien UFOs, natural electrostatic meteors or other evolving natural electrical phenomena-is quite irrelevant to this problem and should not cloud the discussion. Our governments must initiate open, public, wide-ranging and honest scientific studies on the nature of these events-or they would appear at best to be unfit to represent us, and at worst to be committing treason against the general population. I cannot believe that any government would be so irresponsible as to allow the testing of potentially highly dangerous, scalar EM energy-slug weapons around and over us when they involve such enormous energies and so many unknowns regarding reliability of control and possible side-effects of Tx waves on the general population's health. However, similar irresponsible behaviour was often exhibited by the Australian, British and American governments during the nuclear testing era of the 1950s. By all accounts the Soviet government was even more careless of its citizens' health during this time. Therefore I suppose it is quite possible that new weapon 'toys' would be similarly unleashed into the public domain. EXMOUTH Tx FIREBALL WEAPONS AND ORBITAL UFOs There is of course another possible scenario that could be contributing to government silence. Richard Hoagland, ex-NASA employee and space archaeologist media personality, released some spectacular NASA video footage that was shot from an American space shuttle mission in September 1991. This video was downlinked by radio from the shuttle to a NASA ground station in the US and was accidentally intercepted en route by a ham radio operator in the US. Subsequent to this intercept and its public distribution by the radio ham, NASA initially encrypted and then totally ceased further shuttle video transmissions. The shuttle was said by Hoagland to be in orbit over Indonesia, heading south towards Western Australia. Subsequent research by Australian and New Zealand UFO groups demonstrates that the shuttle was in fact over Lake Carnegie in central Western Australia, heading south-southeast. [See report in NEXUS 3/03.] The video shows a small white-light UFO that appears over the Earth's horizon to the east of Australia and flies north at a speed of some 54,000 mph (this and subsequent data are according to Hoagland's calculations). Suddenly the upper atmosphere or ionosphere below the shuttle flashes with an intense white light. The UFO appears to sense this flash and immediately executes a 180-degree, 14,000-g-force turn, accelerating out of orbit and away from the planet at some 200,000 mph. All of the above manoeuvres occur in a second or so, and are immediately followed in a microsecond by two very-high-speed, bright-light energy pulses riding straight (but fainter) light beams from the planet's surface below the shuttle, projected up to a spot where the UFO would have been had it not reacted so violently to the initial upper atmospheric light flash. The Australian and New Zealand UFO research teams claim that beam pulse number one came from Exmouth in northwestern WA, and beam pulse number two came from around Alice Springs, NT, near the Joint Defence Space Research Facility at Pine Gap. Hoagland believes this video demonstrates a US test of the Brilliant Pebbles particle-beam weapon system, aimed at a super- secret US antigravity-drive spacecraft/drone. The same video shows a few other orbital lights that are presumably also UFOs. Recently I was contacted by an Onslow, WA, resident who had read the first two parts of this "Bright Skies" series. He reported that his son had been totally spooked in late 1991 whilst out roo-shooting one night south of Onslow on the Crow Plains, some 80 km southeast of the Exmouth Tx site. The son and another shooter had observed huge blue-green-white fireballs form at ground level and fire off into space along a light beam at a steep angle and at an ever-accelerating velocity. The fireballs were seen at ground level to the northwest, and a reconstruction places them exactly in line with the Exmouth Tx site. They almost certainly originated from the VLF Tx site at the Harold E. Holt Naval Communications Station at the Exmouth base. Fireballs were seen on several nights and had previously been reported by the owner of the sheep station in this area. The ground eyewitness reports couple well with the Hoagland space shuttle video and the antipodean UFO research teams' findings. The data collectively demonstrate that the Exmouth base is indeed a deployment site of a major EM weapon system that can at the very least create and fire EM plasma energy pulses into space. The data also explain the strange upper-atmospheric light flashes seen as large-area events over WA and other parts of Australia. It was this type of event occurring below the space shuttle that appeared to cause the UFO to turn and run. I postulate that this event was a Tesla Energy Magnifying Transmitter 'warming up' and energising the ionosphere-to-Earth ground-space cavity as a prelude to EM weapon pulse firing. The EM fireball plasma energy pulse was presumably shot skywards along an improved Grindell H. Mathews ultraviolet laser beam that 'cleared' the way, creating a conducting path through the atmosphere for propagation of the Tesla EM energy slug. Unfortunately for the Exmouth weapons team, the UFO was a slight technological jump ahead of their pulse weapon. I remain unconvinced by Hoagland's explanations of the action in this NASA video being a weapon test against an American UFO spacecraft/drone. The UFO demonstrates some very advanced abilities, and although I can accept that the USA is technologically advanced, I really have to wonder if this UFO is truly of US origin or whether it is more likely to be of alien, off-planet design and manufacture. The origin of this particular UFO is of great importance since this Hoagland/NASA video could indicate that a state of war exists between the USA (and, by default, Australia) and an off-planet alien power. Such an alien state of affairs could well explain (but not condone) the government and media silence on recent fireball and exotic light-emission events. However, other data and intelligence point more towards an exchange of fire with advanced technology craft operated by other Earthbound powers in a secret oligarchic war that has been evolving around us for several years. One thing is totally certain: the Hoagland video does not show a series of ice particles flying past the shuttle, as NASA would have us believe. My own research conclusions about fireballs, explosions and seismic events are genuine, honest attempts to understand their causes. If more resources were thrown into the work, my conclusions could eventually turn out to be incorrect. But they pale into insignificance alongside NASA's eloquent but obvious fairy stories.
... Continued in the next issue of NEXUS Note: About the Author: |